:DA big hello to all you lovely people who have taken the time to check out our web site and blog page. Always well appreciated.
Well over a 1,050 visits and fantastic feedback too. Truly Awsome!
Much love to you all.
You do know we aim to please.:) However please do sign our guest book when you pop by so we can acknowledge and welcome you. There is never any obligation to buy.
Given we only started this website months ago which is still under construction. We add new designs each week, building Creations beautiful profile.
And before I forget I am also back at college studying my Level 2 NCFE in creative craft, tutored by one of the best in the floral design business. Too all my old and new florist friend's good luck with your studies.
Feeling like an octopus at the best of times. Ha Ha! Designs, Asignments, research and more. Still never one to complain, enjoying and loving every single moment and now taking a little time to relax to gather my thoughts.
Weekend again and already the third day in October.
Two more months to go before the end of the year, can you believe? I am still trying to figure it all out. Time waits for no one so make sure your doing something you love and enjoy.
Well, another very busy week ahead, look out for many more designs from us here at Creations.
Have a beautiful Sunday and week ahead. Catch up real soon.
